Comparing Two Online Learning Environments: A Classroom of One or Many?

Priscilla Norton, Professor
Dawn Hathaway
Graduate School of Education MS 5D6
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030

Abstract: Online learning is rapidly becoming a permanent feature of higher education. Although it offers many benefits to the adult learner, it commonly uses traditional instructional frameworks including structuring learning around a class of many with shared timelines, assignments, and dependence on group discussion. However, alternative strategies for the design of online learning environments are emerging one of which promotes a classroom of one (Norton, 2003). This study compared learner perceptions of two courses – one using the more traditional approach designed with Blackboard and one using the COPLS model. Results revealed that both environments were perceived as providing a high quality learning experience. In addition, results point to the importance of self-regulation, the role of the instructor/facilitator/mentor, and the role of the group as factors influencing learners’ perception of the quality of their learning experience, positive aspects of their learning experience, and challenges that influenced their learning experience.

The days of viewing online education as a trend in U.S. higher education appear to be gone. With 65% of graduate programs in the U.S. offering online options and 56%of U.S. universities and colleges indicating online education is a critical long-term strategy (Allen & Seaman, 2005), online education plays a formidable role in U.S. higher education today. It is therefore likely that educators who offer only traditional approaches will come face to face with decisions about offering online options, joining the ranks of online educators who provided online learning experiences to the 2.35 million online students enrolled in 2004 (Allen & Seaman, 2005). There is a concern about the quality of online learning currently offered in higher education. Research suggests that these online learning environments are simply frameworks to impart inert knowledge rather than learning and active knowledge (Herrington, Reeves, & Oliver, 2005). This concern necessitates an investigation of available online learning environments and the impact of design on the learning experience of students.

Over the last 200 years, a sophisticated, broadly applied traditional approach to the design of learning environments has evolved. This design has found its most common expression in face-to-face, formal classroom structures. When it is applied to online learning, online learning becomes little more than face-to-face classroom practice extended to virtual, online learning environments. In fact, most online learning opportunities are designed to mimic the practices of the classroom (Sonwalkar, 2001). Supported by Web-based course management tools, traditional online learning environments integrate features of the Internet and the World Wide Web into a single, template-based system that facilitates the design, development, delivery and management of Web-based courses and online learning environments. Features frequently found in these systems include management of course information, assignments, grades, and student records, delivery of tests, posting web-based references, and communication capabilities.

A review of three popular online courseware systems (Web Course In A Box, WebCT, TopClass) that examined these courseware systems for their pedagogical bases concluded that all three have extensive capabilities for supporting "competency-based teaching of discrete information and processes“ and that the tools included represent a behaviorist/empiricist model of pedagogy quite well (Firdyiwek, 1999). Yet, concluded Firdyiwek (1999), these systems do not support more flexible, open-ended, or qualitative pedagogies. Thus, as Levine and Sun (2003) stated, “There is no pedagogy for distance learning. Although the promise is a highly interactive medium of learning that institutions can customize to meet the individual needs of students, the talking head remains the predominant mode of instruction today, and current forms of distance learning often prove to be poor imitations” (p. 21).

If online learning is to rise to the level of its promise, it is necessary to create a pedagogical model or models that enable educators to capitalize on the potentials afforded by online learning technologies.
Such a model must allow for flexibility, interactivity, media-rich adaptive environments as well as be accessible to large numbers of learners for collaborations and group discussions while simultaneously enabling individualized learning. Such a learning environment must allow for multiple modes of cognition. “There is an acute need to define a framework for the educational models that provide a basis for the implementation of online education” (Sonwalkar, 2001).

While the traditional approach, expressed in face-to-face classroom practice or through web-based course management tools, has served the needs of an industrialized society well and continues to provide appropriate learning opportunities in some venues, it has a number of limitations. These include a) A disconnection between the learning process prescribed by the traditional approach and the learning process outside of formal, classroom situations (See, for example, Brown, Collins, and Duguid, 1989 and Lave & Wenger, 1991); b) An inconsistency with characteristics of learning evolving within a high technology society (See, for example, Tapscott, 1998); and c) Learning outcomes that frequently result in “inert knowledge” – that is, knowledge that does not work nor enter into people’s daily efforts to solve problems and interpret events, resulting in learners who “know that” but do not “know how” and who have “learned about” but not “learned to” (Whitehead, 1929).

The Community of Practice Learning System (COPLS) (Norton, 2003) offers such an alternative. This model centers learning at the intersection of a representative or authentic problem, web-based instructional support materials, and frequent interactions between the learner and an expert mentor. It represents an effort to create a model for the design of online learning environments that is responsive to the world of learning in natural, informal contexts; that reflect learning characteristics evolving in a high technology society; and that expect richer and deeper understandings or learning outcomes associated with situated, authentic opportunities for learning. The COPLS model situates learning in problems derived from the context to which the content of learning pertains, builds bridges between knowledge and action/learning and practice, and promotes the learner’s ability to create meaningful understandings by scaffolding learning in the context of interactions with an expert mentor. To understand the COPLS model, abandon the notion of a classroom of many and think of a classroom of one.

During the summer semester of 2006, the researchers had the opportunity to compare these two online learning designs as they were reflected in two online courses. One course used the traditional online learning approach and a course management system. The other course used the COPLS model. Thus, this study compared students’ perceptions of the two courses. Specifically, researchers asked three questions: a) How would you describe the quality of your learning in the two environments? b) What were the positive aspects of each environment? and c) What were the challenging aspects of each environment?


In the summer of 2006, 31 members of the Integrating Technology in Schools graduate cohort completed two online courses – a course designed using a course management system and a course designed using the COPLS model. Students began work in the middle of May and were required to complete all assignments by July 31. In the course designed within the structure of the course management system, the work of teacher-learners was structured to be completed in ten weeks and, of necessity, all teacher-learners progressed at the same pace. In the COPLS model, students were able to structure their own work process individually and in collaboration with their online mentor.

A Classroom of Many: A Collaborative Blackboard Course

The Blackboard course focused on the study of web-based learning environments for K-12 learners, using Harris’s (1998) activity structures as a framework for organizing exploration of web-based learning opportunities. Emphasis was placed on understanding each of the activity structures, examining and critiquing existing examples of the activity structures, completing activities within selected structures as though they were K-12 learners, and locating additional instances of these structures related to participants’ content/grade level areas of classroom practice. The course was structured around five modules with each module engaging teacher-learners in participating in a group discussion board to synthesize explorations of particular activity structures, completing a collaborative group project, submitting a lesson idea for critique by group members, and individually writing a portfolio reflection. The course culminated in teacher-learners individually designing an opportunity for K-12 student learning that would implement a telecollaborative, global project.

This course was designed and taught using the Blackboard course management system. Teacher-learners were divided into small groups of five or six who shared common grade level and content responsibilities. The course instructor served as course facilitator providing overarching direction and modeling. She modeled the process of facilitation to include posting questions for discussion, summarizing and redirecting discussions, and providing feedback and assessment of both group and individual projects. During each of the five modules, teacher-learners took turns serving as peer facilitator. The responsibilities of the peer facilitator were to lead and prompt group discussions, lead in the completion of group projects, and submit group products to a shared forum. Peer facilitators were supported by the course instructor. Through email, the course instructor guided the work of the peer facilitators and served as an advisor for questions and challenges experienced by the peer facilitators.

A Classroom of One: A Mentor-Learner Course

The mentor-learner course was divided into two components. The first component (2 credit hours) focused on the role of desktop publishing tools and design principles in K-12 classrooms. Emphasis was placed on creating desktop published materials for use in the teacher-learner’s content/grade level; studying and implementing design principles - contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity (Williams, 2003); studying and implementing the design process – design, encode, assemble, publish, revise (Norton & Sprague, 2000); and connecting design principles and processes to K-12 classroom practice. The second component (1 credit hour) focused on the role of a variety of additional educational software applications for use in K-12 classrooms. Applications addressed in this component included skill software, integrated learning systems, spreadsheets, programming, and calculators, problem-solving software, and simulation software. Both components of the course were guided by an education problem to be solved – developing strategies for school-wide production of professional communication by both teachers and K-12 learners in the desktop publishing component and responding to a PTO call for software requests after a fundraising event. Each component was divided into modules with textbook and Internet readings, an activity synthesizing the readings, tutorials, and applied projects. Each component culminated in the preparation of a solution to the guiding problem.

The course was designed and taught using the COPLS design model. All materials were web-based and accessible from a course web site where materials were organized using a notebook metaphor. Each of the 31 teacher-learners was assigned one of eight mentors with expertise in both the course content and the process of mentoring online. Although mentors worked with more than one teacher-learner, they treated each teacher-learner individually, and there were no interactions between teacher-learners. Interactions focused on one-to- one mentor-learner exchanges over the duration of the course. The mentor role was designed to provide answers to teacher-learner technology questions, assist and encourage with issues of self-regulation and work flow, modify activities to meet teacher-learner’s individual needs, provide feedback on submitted activities and projects, and most importantly to prompt teacher-learners connect what they were learning with their practice. Interactions with the mentor were predominantly email-based. However, a synchronous tool (DigiChat) was available and used when appropriate.

Collecting Teacher-Learners’ Responses

Students were asked to complete a survey in the final week of both courses. The survey was sent electronically as an attachment and returned as an attachment. Teacher-learners were asked to respond to eight open-ended questions designed to elicit their perceptions of the two learning environments related to the research questions. They were encouraged to be open and honest but no confidentiality was assumed. Completion of the survey was optional, and there were no grade consequences attached. Since teacher-learners were in the third semester of their coursework and familiar and comfortable with the researchers, there were no concerns about their reluctance to express opinions and reactions. Twenty-seven surveys were received for a return rate of 87%.


Quality of Learning

The first research question asked: How would you describe the quality of your learning in the two environments? Analysis of teacher-learner responses indicated that the Blackboard and the COPLS course were positive learning experiences, and distinctions between the two learning environments were not related to quality. No respondents indicated concerns about or inadequacies in the quality of their learning. Teacher-learners generally agreed that the quality of their learning was robust, challenging, and positive. Sixty-three percent of teacher-learners stated that the quality of their learning in the two courses was equal; 15% stated a preference for Blackboard learning environment; 11% preferred the COPLS learning environment; and eleven percent made no comment. Supporting the equality of their learning experiences, one teacher-learner wrote, “I acquired valuable knowledge in both environments. The quality of my learning was very high in my opinion. Both environments challenged me mentally and creatively.” Another wrote, “Both environments have allowed me to evolve to a new level as a learner, educator, and person.” Several teacher-learners expanded their reflections to include awareness that the two environments were different learning experiences. One wrote, “The learning methods were different but the quality was excellent in both.” Another wrote, “The quality of the learning was relatively equal just through different styles. Both courses explored different processes but I learned a lot from them both.”
Fifteen percent stated that the quality of their learning was better in the Blackboard environment.

Comments included, “I learned more in the Blackboard course, but that was because of the content not because of the format,” “Overall I thought the quality of my learning in the Blackboard course was better . . . much of the material [in the COPLS course] was not new to me,” and “I learned a lot of new information from it.” One commented that “I learned more in the Blackboard course because I applied myself more. The content was interesting and engaging.” Eleven percent stated that the quality of learning was better in the COPLS environment. Comments included, “I learned more [in COPLS] because it interested me more. I found it more useful,” “I learned more [in COPLS] because [it] was more hands-on,” and “I felt more learning occurred [in COPLS]. By this I mean the content we learned was very practical to our needs.” When teacher-learners distinguished the quality of their learning based on learning environment, it was the course content that impacted their belief about the quality of learning not the learning environment. Two students (7%) reported that they could not comment on the quality of the courses because the “nature of the content was completely different in each.” Finally, one teacher-learner (4%) made no comments about the quality of his learning experience.

While the majority believed the learning environments were equal in quality, there remained a definite preference for one format over the other. When asked which format teacher-learners would chose when taking another online course, 30% of the teacher-learners choose the Blackboard format as their preferred learning environment. Group interaction and the structure afforded by Blackboard to keep learners on task were the reasons teacher-learners expressed for their choice. As one teacher-learner wrote, “I would probably choose Blackboard because it is more structured and it keeps me on a schedule.” Another wrote, “I think that there is a lot to be learned from others and that is just not really possible when you are working independently.” Fifty-two percent of the learners indicated that the COPLS environment would be their choice. There were three main reasons consistently cited for this decision. One reason centered on the ability to work at one’s own pace: “I liked to work at my own pace and get things done a bit ahead of schedule most of the time. I also liked this course better because I did not have to wait for any of my peers to complete assignments.” A second reason for choosing the COPLS model was reliance on self to complete work: “I think I learn better when I am responsible for the work.” The final reason was the consistent presence of and interactions with an expert: “Using a mentor kept my attention and I appreciated the expert feedback. I suppose I like a true and tested leader. . . . I also liked the relationship and one-on-one teaching that occurred in the mentor format.” For 18% of the teacher-learners, the choice of format did not matter or depended on the content to be learned. One wrote, “Either, I enjoyed both experiences. . . . I found them to be effective ways of learning and processing new information.” Another wrote, “If I were going to learn how to use a specific software tool, I would choose an online mentor [COPLS]. If not, I would choose a course using discussion forums [Blackboard].”

Perception of Positive and Challenging Aspects of Each Learning Environment

To answer the second and third research questions - what were the positive aspects of each environment and what were the challenging aspects of each environment, surveys were qualitatively analyzed to identify emerging themes related to the guiding research questions. Teacher-learners’ comments about the positive and challenging aspects of each learning environment focused on three themes: issues related to self-regulation, the impact of the facilitator or mentor, and the influence of either the presence or absence of a peer group.


As teacher-learners reflected on their experiences in both learning environments, all of them commented that the demands on managing their time and the workload were much more difficult than they had anticipated. They had expected a lighter workload and more time free from their studies. They were surprised at the amount of work and time commitment that succeeding in an online course demanded. Their survey responses reflected comments like “[I felt] tied to the computer,” “both courses were much more work than I anticipated,” “there were a lot of assignments for such a short period of time,” and “the challenge in both courses was the time involved.” These issues of coping with a demanding workload and unanticipated time commitments impacted how they perceived each of the learning environments, noting both positive and challenging aspects related to issues of self-regulation.

Teacher-learners remarked that the structure of Blackboard with specific timelines for completing modules and a group format allowed them to offload self-regulation requirements, centering self-regulation externally in the features of the learning environment. Comments such as “I felt pressure from my group because they were good and dedicated. I think that was really good for me” represent this feature of the Blackboard design. Others remarked that Blackboard “really forces me to stay on task and to stay disciplined in turning in assignments,” “is more structured and it keeps me on a schedule,” and “forced me to stay on top of things.” Conversely, some teacher-learners felt the structure of the Blackboard environment interfered with their ability to structure their time in such a way that they could complete assignments in a timely fashion. They expressed difficulty “finishing on time” and “keeping it a priority.” One summed it up by stating, “If you are the type of person who likes to get things done right away and your group members are the opposite that causes added stress.”

Issues related to self-regulation were also an important part of teacher-learners’ perceptions of the COPLS learning environment. A majority of the teacher-learners noted that in the COPLS model self-regulation moved from the external regulating features of Blackboard to the need to take charge of their own self-regulation. Responses included, “I was having to constantly evaluate myself and my work,” “responsibility falls on the individual making him/her more disciplined,” “didn’t need to rely on anyone else to complete assignments on time,” and “I like to take control of my learning whenever possible.” One respondent felt that the design of the COPLS learning environment is one where “you can’t escape your duties and obligations.” There were no direct references to self-regulation challenges associated directly with the COPLS model although one teacher-learner did write that “The [COPLS model] gave me too much flexibility.” Challenges associated with the model emerged more directly in later themes associated with the absence of a group.

The Role of the Facilitator and the Mentor

Whether learning in a classroom of many like Blackboard or a classroom of one like COPLS, teacher-learners were never alone. The design of both learning environments included the presence of a guide with expertise in the content and some level of skill in teaching online. In Blackboard, this included a course instructor knowledgeable about web-based learning and peer facilitators who received additional support from the course instructor. In COPLS, this was reflected in the role of the online mentor who had both theoretical and practical experience with desktop publishing and educational software in the K-12 classroom. The role of the course instructor, the peer facilitator, and the online mentor was perceived by teacher-learners to have a significant impact on their learning experience and perception of the learning environment. When teacher-learners perceived the instructor/facilitator/mentor as skilled, knowledgeable, and responsive, that role was viewed as a positive contributor to their perception of the learning environment. When teacher-learners perceived the instructor/facilitator/mentor as unresponsive or not thoughtful about the course content, the role was viewed as interfering with the quality of their learning and learning experience.

In the Blackboard learning environment, there were both a course instructor who served as master facilitator and rotating peer facilitators. There were many positive impacts expressed by teacher-learners concerning the role of the course instructor. The course instructor was viewed as supportive, encouraging, and important. Teacher-learners appreciated the feedback of the course instructor and remarked many times about the importance of the thought-provoking questions asked by the course instructor. Two responses capture the essence of the positive impact of the course facilitator: “The discussion was better when [the course instructor] was part of them – maybe because she had a better focus of where she wanted it [the discussion] to go,” and “My experience with working with [the course instructor] was great! She was very organized, efficient, available, encouraging, and helpful. She kept the group on track at all times and was always there to offer suggestions, positive feedback, or clarifying directions. The course ran very smoothly. Having a dedicated facilitator is what makes or breaks this type of an online course.” Only one teacher-learner viewed the peer facilitator’s role as contributing to the positive aspects of the Blackboard course: “Working with peer facilitators and working as a peer facilitator was very powerful.” Three teacher-learners commented on the ability to experience the facilitator’s role as a positive aspect of the Blackboard course. In many instances, however, teacher-learners found working with a peer facilitator to be a challenging aspect of the Blackboard learning environment. One wrote, “Working with a peer facilitator has definite drawbacks. The quality of discussion and group products depends entirely on the motivation and commitment of the student facilitator.”

In the COPLS learning environment, the online mentor’s role was viewed as positive when it included mentors who provided timely answers to teacher-learner technology questions, gave supportive assistance and encouragement, worked with teacher-learners to modify activities to meet their individual needs, were prompt in providing insightful feedback and recommendations, and asked evocative questions that extended teacher-learner thinking and help them connect their learning and their practice. One wrote, “I was more comfortable working with a mentor – the questions were more pointed – the answers more sure.” Another wrote, “You will absorb valuable insight from your online mentor in the responses she has to your work. Working with an online mentor was a great experience. Communicating one-on-one enabled me to gain almost immediate feedback to questions and projects completed.” A third wrote, “I enjoyed the role of the mentor. . . . I appreciated the expert feedback. . . . I also liked the relationship and the one-on-one teaching that occurred.” Finally, one teacher-learner stated, “[My mentor] was very quick to respond to my questions, problems, and submitted projects. She always came back with positive feedback, thought-provoking questions, helpful suggestions, and encouraging comments and compliments. It was comforting to have that kind of support and encouragement through these sometimes overwhelming courses.”

Conversely, when the online mentor failed to provide timely feedback, minimized interactions with teacher-learners, and was not receptive to the individual’s learning needs, the role of the online mentor was perceived to be a challenging aspect of the learning environment. Representative of the challenges expressed by teacher-learners, one wrote, “There were times when my mentor was away from the computer for an extended period of time. This impeded my progress as I couldn’t continue without her feedback on some assignments.” Another wrote, “Even though we had an online mentor, it did not make a difference. The online mentor helped as much as she could but it was difficult for me to ask her questions.” A third wrote, “Working with the online mentor was more difficult. It was hard to know where the mentor was coming from with comments; it takes more time to develop a rapport with a disembodied email. . . .” Finally, one teacher-learner wrote, “You are your own teacher.”

The Influence of the Group

In the Blackboard course, the role of the group had a significant impact on teacher-learners’ perception of the learning environment. The group was sometimes seen as a powerful source of support, insight, and collaboration. Other times, the group was seen as a strong impediment to learning. While there was no group in the COPLS model, the influence of the absence of a group was seen to impact teacher-learners’ perceptions as strongly as the presence of a group in the Blackboard learning environment. Some of the teacher-learners saw the absence of a need to work collaboratively as a positive aspect of the COPLS model; others missed the opportunity to collaborate with peers. In many ways, the absence of the group allowed teacher-learners to take more control of their time and work flow while others felt the absence of a group left them without external pressure to adequately manage time and work. While this relates to the previous theme of self-regulation, it is less a function of self-regulation and more a function of the absence of a group inherent in the COPLS classroom of one design.

In the Blackboard learning environment, the group was perceived as a powerful source of varied perspectives, peer feedback, sharing of ideas, and structure for the learning process. Comments included, “having a sounding board was a positive aspect of group experience,” “getting different perspectives,” “a feeling of human interaction without face-to-face contact,” and collaborating “led to better products overall.” One student elaborated, “I feel like our group bonded. Not only did we go through an online class together, we watched each other get married, get engaged, and have children all the while encouraging each other. If someone was having a rough patch, the others picked up the slack.” Another felt, “Learning in a group environment enabled me to learn from group members whose opinions, feedback, insight in discussions, in my lesson ideas, and in projects have affected me positively.” Finally, one teacher-learner wrote, I learned so much from my peers’ thoughts, ideas, and classroom experiences. I think so much more can be learned and accomplished when brainpower is combined and utilized.”

The role of the group in Blackboard, however, was not always viewed as a positive aspect of the learning environment. Instead, it was frequently seen as source of frustration. Responses reflecting this frustration included dissatisfaction with the “uneven participation by different people in the group.” Members found it “challenging and frustrating when group members vary in their levels of commitment.” Teacher-learners found it challenge to wait “on group mates to do their part” and to maintain “meaningful dialogue when postings are randomly performed.” One teacher-learner was “hesitant to post information because others used it without contributing themselves.” The attitude of many of the teacher-learners was captured by this response: “I acknowledge that people work at a different pace. However, at times, I felt that a few individuals in the group carried others. I felt this to be very unfair.”

In the COPLS learning environment, the absence of the group was viewed as a positive feature by some of the teacher-learners. Its absence allowed them to “work at my own pace,” and “make my own schedule.” One wrote that a positive aspect of the COPLS model was that she had a “stronger sense of ownership of work done well since I am the only one doing it.” Another wrote, “I’m a bit of a perfectionist so it is really hard to for me to entrust the final project to anyone other than myself.” Finally, one teacher-learner wrote, “I like to be in control of my learning whenever possible and I struggled slightly with the group work . . . I found the difficulty in working every day. When things got especially chaotic in my personal life, I sometimes found it difficulty to work the [Blackboard] class into my schedule. Whereas, the [COPLS] coursework I could do a lot one day and a little the next day. I think the freedom of the [COPLS] course worked better for my schedule.” Conversely, many teacher-learners missed the support and sharing of the group. They missed having classmates to “discuss and compare assignments” and “to share the workload.” They felt the absence of the group put pressure on them to be more accountable. The response that best captures the feeling of the teacher-learners stated, “It seems more difficult to not have peers to compare how you are doing.”


At least two options exist for the design of online learning environments: an approach that uses a course management system and the more traditional structures of a classroom to include multiple students, group discussion, and shared timeframe for progressing through assignments and an approach that uses an individualized approach where the mentor-learner dyad structures the flow of work and conversation as well as the flexibility to negotiate timelines, assignments, and interactions. Both options support high quality learning experiences for teacher-learners with neither emerging as better or more popular. Teacher-learners stated that the quality of learning in both learning environments was equal yet indicated clear distinctions between the two learning environments. The majority of teacher-learners were able to choose between the learning environments if given an opportunity. Study results suggest a slight preference for the COPLS model although no overwhelming preference in favor of one model over the other emerged. There was some evidence of a relationship between content and learner characteristics as influences in their choice of learning environment.

Despite the apparent equality of the two learning environments, aspects of the design of each emerged as influential in impacting the learning experience of teacher-learners. The ways in which each learning environment affected perceptions of self-regulation, the role of the instructor/facilitator/mentor, and the influence of the group emerged as dominating themes. The Blackboard learning environment was perceived as an external affordance for self-regulation while the COPLS learning environment was perceived as requiring internal self-regulation. This difference was seen by some as positive and others as presenting a challenge. Regardless of the learning environment, the role of the instructor/facilitator/mentor was essential. When the role was implemented with rigor and attention, it was a significant factor in enhancing the learning experience. When the teacher-learners perceived a lack of attention and rigor in the implementation of the instructor/facilitator/mentor’s role, it was a significant factor in diminishing the learning experience. Finally, the Blackboard learning environment was perceived as affording collaborative activities when group members participated while the lack of participation was perceived as a negative influence. Likewise, the COPLS learning environment’s focus on the mentor-learner dyad was perceived as affording learner control while simultaneously lacking the input of peers and the sharing of work.

Thus, regardless of the online learning model, careful attention must be given to the relationship between the structure of the learning environment and the three factors of self-regulation, the role of the instructor/facilitator/mentor, and the role of the group. It is essential that aspects of the learning environment facilitate self-regulating activities for learners. The design of the learning environment must include features that scaffold time management, pacing of work, timely completion of tasks, the use of appropriate learning strategies, and a learner’s sense of ability to succeed. It is essential that those who choose or are asked to serve as instructor, facilitator, and/or mentor are well prepared to carry out the role of a skilled online guide. Those who serve in this role must understand the online learning process, the structure of the learning environment, the need to build relationships with learners, strategies for supporting and promoting learner self-regulation, and methods for summarizing and evoking student learning by asking thoughtful questions, building connections with prior learning and with future practice, eliciting reflective thinking, and promoting problem-solving. It is essential that designers carefully consider the implications of structuring learning with or without a group. If the learning environment creates a classroom of many, strategies must be included that support the work of the group to encourage robust and productive participation, cope with groups or group members who do not experience successes, and help group members develop questioning, collaborating, and reflecting practices. If the learning environment creates a classroom of one, strategies must be included that insure frequent and meaningful interactions between mentor and learner, focus attention of the relationship of the mentor and the learner, provide sufficient examples and perspectives, promote prompt and in depth feedback and exchange of ideas, and maximize the potentials inherent in a flexible learning environment.


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