Designing Online Courses With Students in Mind

Online learning has emerged from its infancy to a dynamic age of adolescence. According to US News and World Report, enrollment in online courses increased by almost 20 percent in 2004 over the previous year; 11 percent of post secondary students will take at least one course online. Additionally, over 90 percent of public colleges offer at least one online course (Boser, 2004). It is estimated that by 2005, the E-learning market will top $4 billion (Boser, 2004). Driven by convenience, economics, and flexibility, online learning has become an integral part of the higher education landscape. A variety of online courses have been designed and offered using new and emerging online communication tools but the pedagogical frameworks were little different from those used in traditional, face-to-face course offerings. Only recently has the research focus turned to the design of online courses and serious thought given to fostering meaningful communication among students and between instructors and students.

The initial focus of online learning research has been on the tools with which users interact. The online discussion board is a tool that gives users the opportunity to communicate asynchronously with members of a group. The effective use of discussion boards in online courses relies on robust communication and interactions between the members of a group. Collaborative activities, shared goals, and common tasks provide the context for interaction, but without a strong working relationship, even the best designed courses will prove ineffectual. Therefore, a greater understanding of the dynamics of online interactions is necessary in order to provide the optimum learning environment for our students.

Recent research has addressed student perceptions of their online learning experience. However, these studies have produced mixed results due to the diversity of student characteristics that are brought to the teaching-learning process (Pena-Schaff, Altman, & Stephensen, 2005). In a meta-analytical study of research on distance education, Zhao, Lei, Yan, Lai, and Tan (2005) recommend that future studies examine learner characteristics, such as gender, study habits, learning styles, learning environment, access to resources, experiences with distance learning, and technology proficiency which may interact with learning outcomes. Also, Zhao et al. (2005) reported that one of the difficulties in determining factors which make a difference in online learning is that not all online courses are equal. Design, content, implementation, and student composition vary from course to course. With this in mind it becomes important to study the relationships between factors and attitudes within a particular course context in order to find meaning and practical relevance.

One example of an online course is the George Mason University course entitled Web-Based Learning. The objective of this graduate level course is to introduce practicing teachers to a variety of activity structures found on the Internet and to promote a model for teaching and learning in an online environment. The course design is based on instructional strategies supported by research. The course has been implemented over the years using three different delivery models. These models include an expert mentor model, in which the student interacts one on one with an expert mentor throughout the course, a peer-facilitated model, in which students work collaboratively with peers to complete and assess the assignments, and finally, the traditional instructor-led model, in which student work is directed and assessed by a faculty member.

The purpose of this study is to examine student perceptions of in a specific web-based learning course and to see if these perceptions relate to gender differences, teaching level, and attitudes towards delivery models. Three questions will be addressed by this research:
1. Are there gender differences in students’ perceptions of online learning and do these differences depend on teaching level?
2. Are measures of accessibility, view of course design, and sense of enjoyment predictors of interaction?
3. How do each of the delivery treatments compare to the instructor-led control group for measure of student perceptions of Web-Based Learning?


In the summer semester of 2005, one hundred and thirty seven students enrolled in a graduate level course focusing on Web-based Learning. This course was part of a Master’s degree program in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on the integration of technology into the classroom. Of that number, fifty seven of the students were male and eighty were female. The students were from a number of different, widely distributed school divisions. Participants in this study were all practicing classroom teachers from various grade levels and content areas representing elementary, middle, and high school. They ranged in age from twenty-three to sixty years old with anywhere from two to twenty-eight years of experience. Table 1 provides participant demographic information.

As part of their coursework related to Web-Based Learning, a program of study was designed to provide opportunities for groups of students to participate in online discussions centered on the content and collaborative projects. In addition, three delivery models were used for instruction. One model was the Expert Mentor model. In this model, students worked through the Web-Based Learning course one-on-one with an expert mentor, who had graduated from the program and who had taken the course previously. A second model was the Peer Facilitated Model in which students were randomly selected to groups. Each member of the group took a turn at facilitating and leading the group through the activities within the course. They assessed their own projects and a faculty member was available to them as the course Moderator. In the third delivery model, the course was conducted online with a faculty Instructor teaching the group. Peer Facilitated model and the Instructor-led model, Blackboard, a course management system was used to manage the course and the discussion boards. For the Expert Mentor group, the course was accessed through Blackboard, but the students communicated individually with the expert mentor through email discussions. All material used in the course was the same and equal.


In order to assess students’ attitudes and beliefs concerning their learning and experiences during an online course, the Web-Based Learning Environment Inventory (WEBLEI) (Chang & Fisher, 2001) was given post treatment. This instrument was developed and used to assess students’ perceptions of online learning). This instrument incorporates students’ usage pattern (for example, students’ access, convenience of materials), students’ learning attitudes (for example, students’ participation and enjoyment), students’ learning process (for example, level of activity and interactivity between student to student and student to lecturer) and academic factors (for example, scope, layout, presentation, and links of the web-based learning materials) (Chang & Fisher, 2001).

The WEBLEI instrument was designed to capture students’ perceptions of web-based learning environments. The instrument assesses those perceptions according to four scales. The first three scales are adapted from Tobin’s work on Connecting Communities Learning (CCL) and the final scale focuses on information structure and the design aspect of the web-based material (Chang & Fisher, 2001). The WEBLEI considers Web-based learning effectiveness in terms of a cycle that includes access to materials, interaction, students’ perceptions of the environment, and students’ determinations of what they have learned. Chang & Fisher (2001) describe these four scales as and the characteristics of the learning environment they measure as:
Access convenience, efficiency, autonomy
Interaction flexibility, reflection, interaction, feedback, collaboration
Response enjoyment, confidence, accomplishment, success, frustration, tedium
Results clear objectives, planned activities, appropriate content, material design and layout, logical structure

The instrument itself consists of 31 questions related to the participant’s learning in a web-based environment. Participants are asked to respond to how often the factor in each question takes place. Participants answer each statement on a Likert scale with the following choices: 5 – Always; 4 – Often; 3 – Sometimes; 2 – Seldom; 1 – Never. The survey is divided into four sections – each addressing a different scale. Thus, data concerning the participants’ responses for each of the scales can be tallied.

Statistical Analysis

The first question in the study was: Are there gender differences in students’ perceptions of online learning and do these differences depend on teaching level? In order to address this question, a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed for each of the dependent variables, student perceptions of the ease of access (Access), student perceptions of the degree of interaction (Interaction), student perceptions of enjoyment (Response), and student view of course design and appropriateness (Result) with the independent variables of gender and teaching level.

The second question was: Are measures of accessibility, view of course design, and sense of enjoyment predictors of interaction? A multiple regression was performed with the student perceptions of the degree of interaction as the dependent variable and the independent variables of Access, Response, and Result as the predictors. In addition, the data was reviewed for outliers using the residual data from the multiple regression analysis.

The third question addressed in this study was: How do each of the delivery treatments compare to the instructor-led control group for measures of student perceptions of Web-Based Learning? A multiple regression for analysis of variance using dummy coding was performed to test the null hypotheses that the means of each treatment group was equal to the mean of the control group. Three tests were performed for each of the dependent variables for measures of student perceptions in the Web-Based Learning course. These dependent variables were Access, Interaction, and Response. The independent variables were the dummy coding schemes, x1 and x2, which compared the treatment of the Expert Mentored model with the control group, Instructor-led model and the treatment of the Peer Facilitated model with the control group, Instructor-led model.


The first research question seeks to determine if there are gender differences in student perceptions of their access to technology and the Web-Based Learning course, the degree of interaction, their sense of enjoyment, and their view of course design. An ANOVA was performed for each of the dependent variables, which were each of the measures of student perceptions. The results in Table 3 show that in student perceptions of Access, there is a statistically significant main effect for gender, F(1, 131) = 57.52, p =.000, and for teaching level, F(2, 131) = 3.58, p =.031. In addition the results show that there is a statistically significant interaction (G x TL), F(2, 131) = 10.00, p= .000. The post hoc tests results in Table 5 show that elementary school teachers have a statistically significant (p = .002) higher perception of online access than middle school teachers by at least 1.13 points but not more than 6.29 points. Figure 1 shows that male middle school teachers had the lowest perception of online access and that female middle school teachers had a higher perception of online access than their male counterparts. In addition, female teachers had a higher perception of online access overall.

In terms of gender differences in student perceptions of their degree of online interaction, Table 4 shows that there is a statistically significant main effect for teaching level, F(2, 131) = 5.89, p = .004. The results in Table 6 show that in the post hoc test, elementary school teachers had a statistically significant (p = .002) higher perception than middle school teachers for the degree of online interaction by at least 1.51 points but not more than 7.75 points.

The results in Table 7 show that there were no statistically significant main effect for gender or teaching level in student perceptions of their sense of enjoyment in the course (Response), nor was there any statistically significant interaction between gender and teaching level. Additionally, the results in Table 8 show no statistically significant main effect for gender or teaching level in student views on the appropriateness of the course design (Results), and there was no interaction between gender and teaching level.

The results in Table 9 show that at least one outlier could be expected in the data for the dependent variable as well as in the independent variables. The Cook’s Distance revealed that there were no influential data points. The data were reviewed for the outliers and the outliers were removed. The results for regression model 1 and model 2 are reported with the outliers removed.

The second research question asked if student perceptions of access, sense of enjoyment, and view of the course design were predictors of the degree to which a student interacted throughout the course. The multiple regression model was significant, p = .000, however, the results in Table 10 show that only the predictors of Access (p = .001) and Response (p = .000) were statistically significant predictors of Interaction. Therefore, the predictor, Results, was eliminated from the model and a second regression was performed using only Access and Response as the predictors of Interaction.

In the second multiple regression model, the results show that the model was statistically significant, p = .000, and R2 = .408. This indicated that 40.8% of the variance in the degree of interaction was explained by the predictors, Access and Response. Table 11 shows that the predictor Access is a statistically significant predictor, (p = .008) over and above Response for Interaction and the predictor Response is a statistically significant predictor, (p = .000) over and above Access for Interaction. Figure 3 shows the regression equation generated by the model. Ranking the predictors shows that Response has more importance in predicting Interaction (ß = .516) than Access (ß = .192). The magnitude of each predictor was calculated squaring the part correlations. From the results, ry(1.2) = .189 and ry(2.1) = .507, and therefore, r2y(1.2) = .036 and r2y(2.1) = .257. Therefore, 3.6% of the variance in the degree of Interaction is uniquely explained by Access and 25.7% in the degree of Interaction is uniquely explained by Response. The tolerance for each predictor indicated little overlap of the predictors with each other, Access Tolerance = .967 and Response Tolerance = .967.

The third research question asks: How do each of the delivery treatments compare to the instructor-led control group for measure of student perceptions of Web-Based Learning? The Expert Mentor treatment group was compared to the Instructor-led control group and the Peer Facilitated treatment group was compared to the Instructor-led control group. The results in Table 12 show that there is no statistically significant difference in the means of the Expert Mentor treatment group when compared to the control group and there is no statistically significant difference in the means of the Peer Facilitated treatment group when compared to the control group. Therefore the delivery models are equal in terms of student perceptions of ease of access, degree of interaction, and sense of enjoyment.


Online learning has created a new aspect to the identity of educator. In face to face classrooms where the instructor has the opportunity to visibly see student characteristics, the online environment can obscure some of the differences in characteristic. The perceptions of students about their online learning environment can be very important as educators work to develop useful and successful virtual environments for their students.

In some respects the results of the study were surprising. The higher perceptions of females in the accessibility to online materials, courses, instructors and online classmates, contradict reports in the literature about the digital divide that exists between males and females. The explanation that male middle school teachers have lower perceptions of access and interaction might be due to the fact that the sample size for male teachers was small and that if a larger sample were taken, these differences may not be found. There may be characteristics among this group of males that prevented them from accessing online materials. The course is traditionally held during the summer months when many teachers take on summer school duties and it may be that the male participants in this study were the primary income provider in their respective families. Their online experiences may have been more limited as well. Therefore additional characteristics such as availability and commitment to online courses, as well as an understanding of previous online experiences of the participants would be additional variables to study. It would be beneficial to interview the participants to discover why they believed these differences in perception of access exist.

There was no surprise, however, in the fact that ease of access and sense of enjoyment about the course were predictors of the degree of interaction. When a student believes he or she can access the course, the materials, the participants, and the instructors without problems, it allows the student to have more opportunities to communicate within the course. With a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment, students are more likely to participate, communicate and interact with the other members of the group.
Finally, the results of the study showed that the delivery model used to implement the course did not matter. This is of particular importance because it offers the instructor several choices in which to deliver the model to students. At the higher education level, universities often rely on adjuncts to support courses, especially those offered in the summer when regular faculty takes on other responsibilities. The study shows that the use of expert mentors does not change the student perceptions of Web-Based Learning in terms of access, enjoyment or degree of interaction.

This study provided insight into how two particular student characteristics, gender and teaching level, might relate to student perceptions of online learning. Also it showed online courses should be designed to ensure that a student’s sense of accomplishment and ability to access the technology be considered in order to promote interaction. Finally, as long as the delivery model is framed not only in good pedagogy but also using instructional strategies developed through research in online learning, the instructor can expect student perceptions to be the same between models. This study focused on one web-based learning course. It is recommended that each online designer analyze their own courses in terms of student perceptions and characteristics.

Boser, U. (2004). Working on what works best. US News and World Report.
Retrieved April 28, 2006, from

Chang, V., & Fisher, D. (2001, December). The validation and application of a new learning environment instrument to evaluate online learning in higher education. Paper presented at the meeting of the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Fremantle, Australia.

Pena-Schaff, J., Altman, W., Stephensen, H. (2005). Asynchronous online discussion as a tool as a tool for learning: Students’ attitudes, expectations, and perceptions. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 16, 409-430.

Zhao, Y., Lei, J., Yan, B., Lai, C., & Tan, S. (2005). What makes the difference? A practical analysis of research on the effectiveness of distance education. Teachers College Record, 107, 1836-1884.