Teachers as Moderators




Discussion Board


Transcript 3



Module 3: The Voices and Tones

In this module you will develop an understanding of appropriate tone and the use of the various voices in moderated online environments.


  • Go to the Discussion Board and click on the Cyberbuck's Cafe forum. Continue to post your thoughts on life or last night's exciting television shows!
  • Readings: Chapters 5 and 6
  • Go to the Discussion Board and click on Book Club 3 to participate in a discussion moderated by an expert facilitator about the readings.
  • Facilitator 3 begins the Moderator Personas discussion. Through discussion the group will build a framework for Moderator Personas. Each group member will create a Moderator Persona, and post a draft to the discussion board. Revision by the group is discussed. Final product is posted with a discussion summary by the Facilitator.
  • From the Communications link, the Facilitator emails final product to the mentor.
  • Feedback on product will be given by mentor to each group member via email.
  • Facilitator emails a reflection about the moderating experience to the mentor.
  • Read Transcript 3 and send an analysis via email to mentor. Analysis should include identification of tone or voice.
  • Respond to all emails from the mentor.