Teachers as Moderators




Discussion Board


Transcript 1



Module 1: The Principles and Roles

In this module you will develop an understanding of effective moderating principles and facilitator roles.


  • Go to the Discussion Board and click on the Introduction forum. Post introduction in response to mentor's introductory message.
  • Participate in a scheduled synchronous chat in the Virtual Classroom, located in the Communications link. This chat will be moderated by the mentor. Discussion will include group faciliation schedule for the coming weeks as well as questions about the course.
  • Readings: Chapters 1-3
  • Go to the Discussion Board and click on Book Club 2 to participate in a discussion moderated by an expert facilitator about the readings.
  • Facilitator 2 begins the Moderator's Oath discussion. Through discussion the group will prepare a Moderator's Oath. The Facilitator will create the product draft and post as an attached Microsoft Word document. Revision by the group is discussed. Final product is posted with a discussion summary by the Facilitator.
  • From the Communications link, the Facilitator emails final product to the mentor.
  • Feedback on product will be given by mentor to each group member via email.
  • Facilitator emails a reflection about the moderating experience to the mentor.
  • Read Transcript 1 and send an analysis via email to mentor. Analysis should include strengths/weaknesses of moderating principles and roles.
  • Respond to all emails from the mentor.