Teachers as Moderators




Discussion Board




The Problem

As virtual environments emerge, universities and high schools alike are offering online courses, many through the use of course management systems, such as Blackboard. In this school district, each teacher is given a Blackboard course to use with their students, but many find themselves asking the question: What do I do with this?

For the past two years, staff development throughout the county has concentrated on the use of Blackboard primarily as a means to provide a clear and open communication channel between school and home. The tools in this course management system have more to offer including the development of online communication skills as well as preparing students to collaborate and learn in the virtual communities that are quickly becoming a part of our educational system.

It is now time to focus on other aspects of Blackboard that can be used to enhance student learning. The Discussion Board and Virtual Classrooms provide teachers with tools that can be integrated into the curriculum to promote learning and development. However, some expertise in moderating these forums is necessary to ensure that learning does take place.

Welcome to Teachers as Moderators

where you will learn to be an effective online moderator in both asynchronous and synchronous environments.


Throughout this course, you will be guided by your mentor and participate in group activities with the teachers in your grade level to not only learn and experience effective moderating but also how to use both discussion boards and virtual chats with students.

Click on the Modules link to meet your mentor and the other members of your group.