Consulting Information

Chris Thaiss has conducted more than 100 workshops for faculties locally, regionally, and nationally in the past ten years. His workshops take a variety of formats, depending on the needs of the college, university, or school.


Workshops are tailored to the needs of the particular school or college. They typically focus on one or more topics pertinent to the teaching of writing in cross-curricular settings, including, among others,

*design of assignments for writing

*responding to and evaluating student writing

*design of cross-curricular writing programs (WAC) or writing in disciplines (WID)

*history and theory of writing across the curriculum

*promoting critical thinking through writing.


All workshops are "hands-on," regardless of the time frame, with participants practicing and discussing the ideas and techniques presented. One aim of even the briefest session is that every participant come away from the workshop with one or more immediately-applicable techniques or ideas.

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